5 Eyeliner Rules Most Women Break (and How to Redeem Yourself)

Eyeliner can be one of the most powerful tools in a woman's makeup bag, allowing you to highlight and define your pretty peepers. But if you don't know how to use eyeliner correctly, you can do more damage than good. Check out these common eyeliner application mistakes and how to fix them.
Eyeliner Rules Most Women Break
If I were a makeup cop, I would give out more citations for improper use of eyeliner than anything else. Meant to enhance the lash line, elongate your eye shape, and add definition, eyeliner gets out of control real damn quick. It's a slippery slope that often starts in high school for many. Here are the main don'ts I see and the ways you can repent for your eyeliner sins.
Eyeliner Rules Most Women Break - Gap
Violation: Gap between your liner and eyelashes. If you can see your skin peeking through, you're in the wrong.
I sentence you to wiggling your eyeliner directly into your lash line and even lifting your upper lid and tight lining underneath. Your lashes will look more lush and your liner will enhance, not distract.
Eyeliner Rules Most Women Break
Violation: Only lining the bottom lash line. This is one of the best ways to say "Hey, look how droopy my eyes are!" I see this, though, more often than you'd believe.
I sentence you to lining the top lid if you're doing the bottom. The bottom line should be much thinner than the top. Try dotting the liner in between your lower lashes or smudging it out. Check out this handy video on eyeliner application.
Eyeliner Rules Most Women Break - Liquid on Lower
Violation: Using liquid liner on your bottom lash line. It is simply too harsh and dramatic for the lower lid area.
I sentence you to using only liquid on the top lid to create beautiful cat eyes and a soft pencil liner or dark shadow on the bottom.
Eyeliner Rules Most Women Break - Thicky Lined
Violation: Outlining your entire eye in one thick line. This doesn't actually bring out your eyes as much as you'd think. Outlining the entire shape actually closes them in and makes them appear smaller.
I sentence you to a gradual thin-to-thick line on the top lash line and only a thin, softly smduged line on the lower lash line, stopping short of the tear duct.
Eyeliner Rules Most Women Break - All over
Violation: Using eyeliner like a black permanent marker to literally black out your entire eye area.
I sentence you to chilling out, taking a step back, and seeing eyeliner as an enhancement to your shadow. Try experimenting more with shadow and use liner as just the finishing touch.
Now that you've studied up, I think we can release you from eyeliner jail on good behavior. So, here are some great eyeliners that are easy to use but also to abuse, so watch it, sister! Hashtag #divineeyes on Instagram to show me your liner work. I'd love to see it!
For more makeup tips and advice from Ivy, 
Now that you know what NOT to do when it comes to eyeliner, check out how to use that liner to create the perfect smokey eye!



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