So this article is for all the girls out there, who instead of spending huge amounts of money on unhealthy beauty products, can use these natural alternatives at home which not only prevent harsh side effects but are affordable and effective aswell.
1. SAY GOODBYE TO DARK CIRCLES: Want to fix your undereye colour? Place thick sliced, chilled cucumbers on to your closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Do this daily untill you get your desired results. You can also soak cotton balls in rose water and apply to the affected area. It works as a great toner.
2. GET RID OF FACIAL HAIR: So this hair removal method is very effective and won't cause any skin allergies. Add one tablespoon Gelatin, few drops of lemon juice and three tablespoons of milk in a bowl. Warm the mixture a little and immediately apply to your face. Keep away from eyebrows. Peel off the mask when it's dry.
3. NAIL GROWTH: All the girls out there who want nice, long nails, just soak your fingers in tomato juice for 15 minutes. Pat your hands using a cloth or a towel, afterwards. Do this once in two weeks.
4. HEAL YOUR SCARS: Heal your scars fast with this very easy natural remedy. Take an aloe vera gel and apply it to the affected area. Nothing can be better than taking it from a plant growing at home. Do this atleast twice a day.
5. TREAT YELLOW TEETH: Okay folks! This very easy yet effective method of teeth whitening really works. Just take a banana peel and rub it all over your teeth for 2-3 minutes daily. Make sure you stick to this routine to get the most out of it.
6. STOP HAIRFALL: Now get attractive and heathly hair with his simple hair oil massage. Beat egg in yoghurt followed by a good almond and coconut oil. Make sure you massage your scalp properly. Do this atleast once a week and you'll hopefully see great results.
7. SUNBURN TREATMENT: Got burned? No worries. Just try this! Apply chilled yoghurt to the sunburned area. Wash it off after 15 minutes. Then gently pat damp towel on your skin. And voila!
8. EXFOLIATE YOUR LIPS: Mix one tablespoon of brown sugar in olive oil. Make a paste and rub it on your lips for 1-2 minutes. Wipe off with a tissue paper and apply lip balm. Always follow this before you apply your lip colour. And there you are with moist and plump lips.
9. SKIN GLOW: Make your skin glow instantly and feel happier and healthier. Wash your face properly. Then apply a mixture of lemon juice and honey for atleast 15 minutes. Wash it off with warm water. This natural alternative gives amazing results.
10. GET DANDRUFF FREE HAIR: Don't worry ladies! Dandruff can be controlled with a very simple natural remedy. Mix half tablespoon of lemon juice in a good coconut oil. Massage this properly on to your scalp atleast once a week and free yourself from this common scalp disorder.
How many of you long for perfect skin, hair and nails? All of you, that is forsure. So add these easy care remedies to your daily routine. They undoubtedly do wonders and you will see immediate results yourself. Happy reading!
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