If one avoids going out with friends for
lunch while on a diet then that person is always considered boring.
However if you change the way you eat you can still be on a diet and
enjoy your time out with friends.
One cannot enjoy life without food and a
life with a lot of adipose on your skin. To keep both the parameters in
check here are certain tips that will help you maintain your waistline
as you eat out.
1. Bran
Fill your stomach with some high quality
fiber. Have some cold cereal with skim milk and sweetener or no sugar
(if you can). You can also add spoonfuls of fat-free fruit yogurt to
This will take the edge off your
appetite and instill some fiber into your digestive system, which will
help reduce the stimulation of your gastrointestinal system of your
upcoming meal. You feel full and eat less despite the deliciousness of
the food.
2. Water
Replace frizzy drinks with water.
Initially it’s hard but with time you realize how helpful this tip
actually is. Try ordering water first and have a glass full of water
before food. This makes you feel full and you eat less.
3. Eat Slowly
The satiety center of the brain controls
you’re eating habit .What you need to do is trick this center. Eat
slowly to allow your brain the time it needs to realize you are full.
Put your fork down between mouthfuls and savor your meal . This might
look displeasing but it helps.
4. Avoid the Breads
We all look forward to the in house
breadbasket served with butter. Avoid it. Ask the server to remove it
off the table since it is full of fat and is extremely tempting so you
usually end up eating it more.
5. Start with Soups
My favorites have always been soups. In
case your friends decide on binging on the bread basket you can ask the
waiter to get you soup while they eat the bread. Enjoy your soup. Avoid
cream based.
6. Ask for Extra Veggies
Mostly with meals they give you an
option between rice and potatoes. Opt for extra veggies instead.
Nutritious yet fulfilling and not adding to the bulk of fat content.
7. Enjoy your Favorite Food
Instead of completely cutting down on
your favorite foods while on a diet, have them but in fewer amounts.
Instead of purchasing a bag of cookies get one. Instead of eating a
whole chocolate, share it with someone.
8. Eat Several Mini Meals in a Day
When you are on a diet the hardest is
the wait for the next meal time. I advise having smart but more meals.
Opt for watermelon, a boiled egg or green tea. Studies show that 5-4 meals a day help in reducing weight more than just one meal.
9. Proteins
The food that gives an instant filling
effect is proteins. Try eating high calorie proteins as a substitute for
carbs. They have a more full filling effect.
10. Salads
Where everyone orders some highly
delicious and calorie laden food. I advise you to order salads. Avoid or
separate out the dressing. This will help you eat along with your
friends as you guys dine out and chit chat. Also this helps you keep the
calories in check.
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